Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hi, and welcome to my blog!

I will be specializing in a certain yoga position called prasarita padottanasana, otherwise known as Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend. The literal translation is spread out (prasarita) foot (pada) intense (ut) stretch (tan).

There are many benefits by practicing this asana. It strengthens the targeted muscles, in this case it is the inner and back parts of the legs, as well as stretching them. It also stretches out the spine as you lean forward and down. Prasarita padottanasana is helpful to the brain, as it allows newly oxygenated blood to rush to the head. This helps one to focus and clear ones mind. This pose is also known for relieving back aches, toning abdominal organs, and strengthening the knee joints.

When in this pose, you should be aware of how you feel physically. Prasarita padottanasana works mainly the calves and the hamstrings, so you should feel those muscles being stretched.

This pose can be achieved in several simple steps:

1. Begin in a standing position, with feet together and arms at the side. Another way to begin this pose is by starting in tadasana (mountain pose).

2. Jump your feet lightly apart to about 3 and 1/2 feet or 4 feet, depending on how tall you are. Taller people should have a slightly wider stance. A variation of this is by stepping instead of jumping.

3. Inhale, and lengthen your front torso so you have room to forward bend. Then, maintaining the length of your torso, bend forward at the hips.

4. Once your torso is parallel to the ground, reach your fingertips for the ground. Slowly continue bending forward while walking your fingers back towards your feet. With every exhalation, try to bend down farther. Eventually you want the crown of your head resting on the floor. However, if you are not yet that flexible, do not push yourself to do what you can't do.

5. You are now in the prasarita padottanasana.

(me in prasarita padottanasana)

To get out of this posture, do the following steps:

1. Bring your hands forward so they are below your shoulders and lift your torso until it's about parallel with the floor.

2. Put your hands on your hips, inhale, and bring the torso all the way up.

3. Return to standing position or tadasana by jumping lightly or stepping back into place.

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